Friday, March 14, 2008

I Now Respect George W. Bush

It's Friday night and I have some free time, so I thought I do some bullet point style thoughts from the top of my head.
  • I've been running a mock draft game on the Buffalo Bills message board. I now respect Bush and really anyone else in a leadership position. I'm always weighing things, trying to be fair to everyone but also trying to do what I think will work best and what is the best interest of the game and it's hard. No matter how hard you work or what you try, there are always people clamoring that you're not doing it right and giving you flak about it. Not fun.
  • Right now, I'm listening to the Mark Ronson and Lily Allen version of "Oh My God." It's such a brilliant tune and I still think it's the best one on "Version" over "Valerie".
  • I just got ROH's Undeniable in the mail yesterday and I'm going to pop it in as soon as I get done with this. I can't wait to see Nigel's title win.
  • I've also started to watch all the GHC Heavyweight Championship changes that I can find. Right now I'm on Ogawa vs. Takayama. I've never seen Ogawa but it should be fun. Takayama is one of my favorite heavyweights.
  • I don't quite have five songs that I want to go in depth on right now, but I will say that I really like Sam Sparro's "Black and Gold". Popjustice has been pimping him heavily, but I didn't care for the single at first. It's a grower though, and I've came around on it in a big way.
  • Also watch out for Robyn's terrific "Who's That Girl?" come April. Itunes may actually get this. They have the Rakamonie EP and a With Every Heartbeat EP, so there's an outside shot they could get this single.
  • Oddly, I really have no opinion on who the Bills should draft come April. I think WR is the biggest need but I'm not really sold on Devin Thomas, Limas Sweed, or Malcolm Kelly. The CB class is good this year, but again, there's no one I'm dead set on.
  • This is almost sacrilegious for a sports fan to say, but I have very little interest in the upcoming NCCA basketball tournament. It'll be fun to bandwagon on the Tar Heels for a few games, but I honestly couldn't care less about NCAA basketball.
  • Or NBA Basketball
  • Or Major League Baseball
  • Or the NHL
  • Some sports fan I am, eh?
  • I'm actually more excited about things like the Champions League and Six Nations Rugby (England vs. Ireland this weekend) because of Radio 1's sports reports hyping them.
That's enough for now.

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