Sunday, February 8, 2009

Time for the Next Phase

After the mess that was and is what happened between me and Laura, I've got that nervous feeling back in my stomach. It seems to me that I must initiate the next phase soon.

I've been sitting next to this really cute girl in my English class and I've developed a pretty healthy crush on her. She's really smart and insightful but not in a pretentious and typically U of C way and she's really fun to chat with. Normally, I don't socialize too much with people in my classes but she was super friendly and started chatting with me like we were old friends. Friday we walked from Cobb to Bartlett together after class continuing a conversation that we were having at the end. It felt really good to talk with a girl in that way again. It's just not quite the same talking to female friends as it is talking to a girl you fancy.

It's a dangerous situation because she seems like a super friendly girl and I don't want to mistake her friendliness for interest in me. In fact, I'm reasonably sure she has none. But at the same time, from the looks of her facebook she doesn't have a boyfriend either. I figure it can't hurt to ask her out. I just have to work up the courage to do it and figure what the best way is. If she rejects me out of hand, at least I tried. It might make class awkward if she's not interested, but that's a chance I have to take, I think.

Hopefully, this isn't just a set up for more heartbreak, but I'm really optimistic for the first time in a while. The odds may not be good but at least it gives me some hope and hope is an important thing, indeed. I really hunger for female contact and companionship and when I see such a cool girl 3 times a week, it's hard not to be excited about the prospects.

We shall see. It's time for the next phase to begin.

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